Thursday, 16 July 2009

How to test Website?

Following are the validations done while testing a website.

User Interface or Usability Testing
Interface testing
Compatibility Testing
Load / Stress Testing or Performance Testing
Security Testing
User Interface testing is done to check how the users navigation happens and to check how easy the application to use. Following are done while performing User Interface testing

- to check the site map or navigation bar
- to check the content like irrelevant or not, grammatical or spelling errors.
- to check the color or background
- to check the images like type of files, positioning, the size of the files etc.,
- to check the tables
- to check whether the wrap around happens properly.

Functionality testing is done to check whether system behave as per the requirements. Following are the generic terms done in the Functionality testing.
- Links like internal Links, broken Links, external
- Forms to validate the data, functionality check, error messages happenning correctly, mandatory fields which should not be left empty, optional fields,
- Verification of data to check the data saved correctly in the database as pper the business rules.
- If the system uses cookies it should be checked

Interface testing to check the server interface, external interface, client interface and the error handling when interfacing

Compatibility testing to check how the application behaves under different web browsers. Following compability are done like with operating systems, with Browsers, modem, printers etc.,

Load testing is done to check how the system reacts with the number of users per time period and how will it be divided over the period, transfer of large amount of data from each user.

Stress testing to check the system performance under the less memory space, to reduce the resources and to check the reaction of the system

Security testing to validate the
- Valid and invalid login
- Validating the users
- limitation of No. of attemps while logging
- Encryption of data sent over the network
- usage Secured link while data transfer happens

Example test case for website project

Test cases for shopping cart.

1.Enter the URL
2. select the required item
3. Select the quantity
4. Select the payment gateway
5. Enter the amount
6. Enter the address to delivery
7 if you want to continue click on home and continue shopping or else quit

Test cases for Email field

1.- test the long of the field
2.- test without the @ character
3.- test without any character before the @ character
4.- test without any character after the @ character
5.- test that you can sing in alphanumerics characters

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